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The Di Chiara Wellness Philosophy

Di Chiara Wellness is a safe haven where people come to heal, we practice authentically with integrity, passion, curiosity and joy. We strive to create an atmosphere where our clients can feel safe and comfortable exploring new aspects of their physical and mental capabilities. That's why we embrace trauma informed and neurodivergence informed practices that cater to all our clients' diverse needs. We believe that our core teachings and treatments, informed by our values, result in truly transformative experiences.

Yoga Group
Dance Class
Women Practicing Yoga
Stretching Class
Women Stretching on Yoga Mat

Di Chiara Wellness 

 Movement has always been my passion and what started as just a side hobby became what I dedicated my life to. It has taken me across multiple cities and countries, and I have lost count of the number of certifications and ongoing education credits that I have racked up over the years. While yes I am educated and qualified, I also genuinely love what I do. From teaching dance and yoga classes, personal training, to rehabilitation. I have put the hours in because I have a passion to move and a passion to help others to do the same.


Find the Joy in Movement Again

Video: A Fitness Journey

Yoga in Nature

Experience Holistic Movement @ Di Chiara Wellness

Your Movement Enthusiast developed in Canada since 2009

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Di Chiara Wellness

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"The first wealth is health"

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

"What we think, we become"


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